Cloud migration is a major improvement for many organizations, but it’s by no means a simple or quick project. That’s the issue that a local mechanical and electrical consulting firm, ran into whenever they tried to start their migration. As Jake, Senior Associate Marketing Manager, puts it: 

“If you fast forward 10 years from now, nobody’s going to be saving a file on a local directory and emailing a copy for review. If we know that’s coming, we owe it to ourselves and our clients to get ahead of that curve. 

[But] it was so hard to make advancements. Every time we tried to take baby steps and move forward…we’d run into so many questions. We design for a wide variety of clients – 1700 projects a year, each with a bundle of files…that was our biggest concern. This is our bread and butter, this is what we do. There cannot be hiccups, there cannot be syncing issues. How do we migrate those?” 

“100 different paths we didn’t need to go down” 

Ultimately, the firm brought in Mytech Partners to help them plan their server migration to Microsoft 365. The results were immediate. 

It was clear right away that this was exactly what we needed. They understood document libraries, SharePoint, how Teams interacts with everything. They helped us navigate through how this stuff works. 

The biggest advantage of having Nate [from Mytech] in the room was preventing us from going down countless time-wasting paths. We couldn’t have our engineers spend weeks testing something only to discover it’s not useful. Nate’s expertise eliminated 100 different paths we didn’t need to go down.” 

“Mytech took the time to ask questions.” 

But it wasn’t just expertise that they were looking for. Their work was highly specialized, and they needed a partner who could help design a cloud structure that met their specific needs.  

“Every company is unique, [and] Microsoft doesn’t design their software for firms like us. Some of our industry-tool design files didn’t work properly on the cloud server. That was the biggest challenge. Mytech did a really great job taking the time to ask questions about what we do: ‘How are you using these documents?’ ‘Who needs access?’ ‘What do you mean by XYZ?’ 

They didn’t just show us Microsoft’s cool tools; they said ‘Here’s how you work, now we’ll find the best way to connect that process to this software.’” 

“We’re already saving money and time.” 

With the help of their new digital infrastructure, they are able to work more productively than ever before, and solve their clients’ problems faster as a result. They’re also excited to build on the new tools and connectivity available! 

Once you start moving down this path, you’ll see the benefits. It’s saved us a ton of time and money – the return on investment is going to be much shorter than expected because of how much this migration offers us. We’ve had employees come forward with great ideas to take this even further, things we can finally try thanks to this project. And our clients appreciate the faster service too.” 


So was the project worth it? And would they recommend Mytech as a guide, looking back on their experience? 

“The owners asked me to give a summary of the project to demonstrate its value. I wrote out a whole page of benefits, and they said, ‘Please just give us a sentence or two: was this worth it or not?’  

So my one sentence was ‘I would have paid Mytech double.’”